Important!:This Patch needs Escape Velocity 1.0.1 or higher
This EV Cheater in Plug-In form, just put it in your "EV Plug-Ins" folder when you want to cheat and take it out when you don't. It will make EVERYTHING that you can buy in ship outfitting cost 5 credits and all ships cost 98 credits, items weigh nothing, and you can have up 999 of most all items! It will also allow you to purchase EVERY and I mean EVERY item in Escape Velocity! You can buy Tractor Beams, Cloaks, Heavy Fusion Beams, Alien Fighters, and much more!! Make a COPY of any pilot file you are going to use before you patch EV! This patch is pretty cool, it'll give your ship that little extra kick you need to try an dominate Earth or destroy the alien cruisers, you get the idea. It does spoil the game but it's fun. I hope you enjoy it!